
Name and General Organization
1. The name of the association shall be “The Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science” (BAAS), hereinafter called “The Association.’
2. The Association shall consist of ordinary members, session members, life members and honorary members.
3. The affairs of the Association shall be directed by (i) the General Body and (ii) the Council as hereinafter constituted and conducted by officers as hereinafter defined.
4. The Headquarters of the Association shall be at Dhaka.
5. The official year of the Association shall be from 1st July to 30th June.


1. The objects of the Association shall be ;
(a) to work for the general advancement of science including its application to practical problems.
(b) to promote and encourage research in different branches of science and to help development of science on national level.
(c) to organize conference, symposia, seminars on subjects of scientific interest, excursions and field studies.
(d) to hold meeting to discuss problems of special importance to the country and to exchange knowledge among its members.
(e) to stimulate public interest and enlist public support for science.
(f) to award research fellowships and financial grants-in-aid for special research.
(g) to award prizes in recognition of the scientific contributions in the annual science conference.
(h) to publish proceedings, Journals, Memories, Transactions and books, as may be found desirable and feasible for dissemination of knowledge concerning pure and applied sciences.
(i) to promote and safeguard the interests of scientific workers in Bangladesh.
(j) to undertake international representation of scientific work done in Bangladesh.
(k) to maintain, develop and extend international relations in the field of science and maintain contacts with foreign scientific organizations with similar objects.

Membership, Privileges and Subscriptions

1. Any person shall be eligible to be an ordinary or session member provided that he/she (a) has attained the age of 20 years. and (b) possesses a degree or a diploma in a science subject, or is otherwise interested in the promotion of sciences.
2. (i) The Association shall have the following categories of members:

(a) Ordinary member- Any person may become an ordinary member on payment of admission fee, and annual subscription which shall be payable by the 30th June each year.   
(b) Session member- Any person may become a session member for the duration of the science conference on payment of session fees. He shall be entitled to only such rights and privileges of an Ordinary member as are given under subsections (e) and (f) of section 3.
(c) Life member- Any person may be admitted by the Council to life membership on payment of fees for such membership. The life members shall be entitled to all the privileges of an ordinary member.
(d) Honorary member- The Council may by a unanimous vote nominate any person as honorary member by reason of his/her eminence as a scientist or the meritorious services rendered by him/her to the cause of science. Provided that not more than two persons shall be so nominated in any year and that the total number of honorary members shall not exceed twenty at any time. The honorary members shall have all the privileges of an ordinary member except the voting right.
(ii) The fees for Ordinary member, Session member and Life member shall be fixed from time to time in the general meeting of the Association (BAAS).

3. Any person who desires to become a member shall sign a prescribed application form, the name will then be proposed by a member seconded or supported by at least another member, and then confirmed by the council. Ordinary members shall be entitled to
(a) attend all meetings of the General Body and exercise vote.
(b) propose and support candidates for holding an office of he Association.
(c) propose and support resolutions.
(d) fill all offices in the Association after being duly nominated or elected thereof.
(e) attend the science conferences, symposia, seminars and lectures at the annual meeting of the association or organized on other occasions and participate in discussions.
(f) communicate papers of scientific interest written by them or other members of the Association to any section of the Conference for discussion and publication in accordance with the rules that may be framed for the purpose.
(g) receive, at a price to be fixed from time to time by the Council all publications of the Association and have access to the library and other public rooms of the Association subject to rules and limitations prescribed by the Council.

4. The session members may be enrolled on the occasion of Science Conference.
5. Students studying in the degree or higher classes of science or a course leading to a diploma in science may be allowed to attend the science conference, sectional meetings, symposia and lectures. They may be issued student tickets for this purpose on payment of such lees decided by the council. They shall not be entitled to participate in business meetings of the Association.
6. (a) Every person admitted as a member shall abide by the regulations, rules arid bye-laws of the Association.
(b) if any member or observer willfully disobeys the rules and regulations of the Association or is guilty of unbecoming behavior at any of the meetings, he shall be liable to be excluded from that meeting by its president. The council, if it deems necessary, may withhold from such person the privilege of attending any other meeting.
(c) if it shall appear to the Council that it is not desirable that a person shall continue to be a member of the Association, it may ask that member to resign. If that person does not resign within the time fixed by the council or appeals in writing to the council, the council may declare such person to be no longer a member.

7. Any member may resign from the membership of the Association by a letter addressed to the General Secretary. Such member shall be eligible for re-admission.
8. Any ordinary member who does not pay annual subscription for previous year by the 30th June of that year shall lose all rights and privileges of membership. If any ordinary member does not pay annual subscription for consecutive two years, his/her name shall be struck off from the membership list; however he/she will be eligible to become new member again on payment of admission fee and annual subscription.
9. The subscription paid at any time during the year shall be for that year.

Officers of the Association

1. The Office bearers of the Association shall be
(i) The President, (To be named General President)
(ii) Two Vice-Presidents,
(iii) The Treasurer,
(iv) The General Secretary,
(v) Two Joint-Secretaries.   

The office bearers of the Association will be elected by the general body from among its own members, for a term of two years as defined in Art I of Chapter VI, provided that no one will seek election to the same office for more than two consecutive terms
Provided further that one of the Joint Secretaries shall be elected from amongst the members who are normally resident in the Dhaka Metropolitan area and the other Joint Secretary from amongst members living outside Dhaka.
2. The President
(a) The President shall be elected for two years by the General Body by ballot. The election rules for holding the election of the President is laid down in the bye-laws under Chapter XVII.
(b) The President shall assume office within 31st July following his/her election and shall continue in office until his/her succession- takes over.
(c) The President shall have power to convene the meetings of the General Body, the Council and shall preside over them. He shall, if present, also preside over lectures and other scientific, cultural and social functions of the Association. He may nominate any other person to preside over these functions.
(d) The President shall, on the recommendation of the General Secretary, have the power of expropriating expenditure from one budget head to another, provided that if such expropriation Involves the transfer of more than 20 percent of the amount provided in the budget under a particular item it shall require the approval of the Council.
(e) The President shall, In case of emergency, take such action as he/she deems fit on behalf of the General Body or the Council during the course of the year when these bodies are not in session and report it to the respective body at Its next meeting. In case the office of the President falls vacant, the Vice-President shall, in order of seniority, become the President for the remaining period of the term. The seniority in this context shall be decided by the number of votes received in the election.

3. The Vice-Presidents
(a) The Vice-Presidents shall be elected by the General Body by ballot in the manner prescribed in the bye-laws as laid down In Chapter XVII.
(b) The two Vice-Presidents shall assist the president in the discharge of his duties.
(c) They shall do such other work as may be assigned to them.

4. The Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be elected by the General Body by ballot in the manner prescribed in the bye-laws under Chapter XVII. He/she shall:
(i) keep the accounts of the funds of the Association and maintain necessary books for the purpose.
(ii) be responsible for making all payments in accordance with the approved budget or as authorized by the Council and in accordance with any rules that may be framed for the purpose by the Councils.
(iii) prepare the annual budget of the Association in consultation with the General Secretary and the President for the consideration of the Council.
(iv) prepare the balance-sheet of the funds of the Association completed to the close of the year. and submit it to the Council along with the auditors report.
(v) invest under the direction of the Council. any part or whole of the balance standing at any time to the credit of the Association In a suitable manner as may from time to time vary or transfer such investments from or into orders of similar nature.
In case the office of the Treasurer falls vacant the Council will nominate one of its members to act as Treasurer for the remaining term.

5. The General Secretary
The General Secretary shall be elected by the General Body of the Association by ballot in the manner prescribed in the bye-laws under Chapter XVII.
He/she shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and subject to the direction and supervision of the President shall:
(i)  act as Secretary of various bodies mentioned hereinafter, issue notices, arrange meetings and keep record of the proceedings.
(ii) be responsible for correspondence in connection with the affairs of the Association or arising from the meetings of the General Body and the Council.
(iii) execute all directions and orders given to him by the General Body and the Council.
(iv) supervise and direct the work of the staff employed, grant leave according to the
rules that may be framed for the purpose and make temporary arrangements in respect of vacancies in paid posts.
(v)  be in charge of the property of the Association and maintain a stock register.
(vi) in case of emergency, take any action considered suitable under the circumstance and report It to the President. In case the office of the General Secretary falls vacant, for whatever reason, the council shall nominate one of the Joint Secretaries to act as General for the remaining term. When the General Secretary !s a member from outside the Dhaka Metropolitan area the Council may allocate some duties of the General Secretary to the Joint-Secretary from Dhaka who will look after the day to day work of the office of the Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science located at head quarters.

6. The Joint Secretaries
The Joint-Secretaries shall be elected by ballot in the manner prescribed in the bye-laws under chapter XVII.
The Joint-Secretaries
(i) shall assist the General Secretary In the discharge of his duties. (ii) shall do such work as may be assigned by the General Secretary. (lii) execute all directions given to them by he Council. In the event of the General Secretary normally living outside the Dhaka Metropolitan area or being away from the country for more than one month the joint Secretary from Dhaka shall be responsible for day to day routine work of the office of the Association and shall perform such other functions as may be delegated to him by the Council.

The General Body

1. The General Body shall include all the ordinary, life and honorary members of the Association.
2. It shall be the supreme body of the Association.
3. Ordinarily it shall meet at least once every year on the occasion of the annual meeting of the Association on a date to be fixed by the Council.
4. The president of the Association or in his absence one of the Vice Presidents in order of seniority shall act as the Chairman of the meeting. If neither the President nor the Vice-Presidents is available, the members present will elect the Chairman from amongst the Sectional Presidents and the Chapter Presidents.
5. The General Secretary of the Association shall act as Secretary and convene the meeting as directed by the President.
6. The General Body in the annual meeting shall:

(a) consider the report of the General Secretary as approved by the Council.
(b) establish and constitute sections of the various branches of the Science Conference,
(c) consider and approve the budget for the following year as framed by the Council and presented by the Treasurer.
(d) take decisions on such matters as may be brought before It by the Council,
(e) direct such action as it may consider desirable to further the object of the Association.
(f) exercise such other functions as are assigned to it under the constitution.

7. A minimum of 50 members shall make the quorum at general meeting. The notice of the general meeting shall be sent to the members at least one month before the meeting.
8. If any member wants to move any resolution at a meeting of the General Body he shall give notice of that resolution to the General Secretary In advance. All such resolutions shall at first be considered by the Council and will then’ be put up with its comments before the General Body. The Council shall have the power to disallow any such resolution and inform the General Body of the decision.
9. During the annual meeting of the Association the council at its own initiative may or on the requisition of at least 35 ordinary members shall convene an extraordinary meeting of the General Body to discuss any matter of urgent importance or transact any special business.

The Council

The Council shall consist of:
(I) The President of the Association,
(II) The two Vice-Presidents,
III) The Treasurer,
(IV) The General Secretary,
(V) The two Joint-Secretaries,
(VI) Presidents of Sections,
(VII) President of Local Chapters of the Association.
(VIII) The Immediate past President of the Association,
(IX) The immediate past General Secretary of the Association,
(X) Five Council members.
The term of Office of the Council will commence on the 1st July and the charge handing over and taking over shall be held within 31st July following election years and the council shall continue till their successors are elected. In the later case, the charge handing over and taking over shall be held immediately.

2. The Council members under I to X shall be elected by ballot every two years in the manner prescribed in the bye-laws under Chapter XVII.
3. One-third members will make the quorum in a meeting. The notice of the Council meeting shall be sent at least 10 days before the meeting, For emergency meeting, the notice shall be sent at least 5 days before the meeting.
4. The Council shall:

(a) be the governing body of the association and shall deal with all matters of policy, shall conduct and manage all affairs and business of the Association.
(b) take such action as it deems suitable in furtherance of the objects of the Association as laid down under Section 1 of Chapter II.
(c) frame the annual budget for the next year for the approval of the General Body.
(d) approve the report of the General Secretary for the consideration of the General Body.
(e) consider Invitation for the holding of annual meeting of the Association and report them to the General Body with their recommendation.
(i) approve the affiliation of Scientific Societies.
(g) suggest to the General Body the abolition, amalgamation and splitting of old Sections and the creation of new Sections.
(h) appoint the Research and Publications Committee.
(i) consider the recommendations of the Research and Publications Committee for special research or grants in-aid for research.
(j) award research fellowships.
(k) fill casual vacancies occurring amongst the officers of the Association or the members of its Council.
(l) exercise such other functions as are assigned to it under these regulations or by the General Body.
(m) appoint paid officers of the Association on such terms and conditions as it may from time to lime determine. It shall also have the powers to suspend or dismiss such paid officers after enquiry in accordance with the rules that may be framed for the purpose.
(n) appoint auditors with professionally suitable qualifications to audit the accounts of the Association.
(o) see that the funds of the Association are properly spent according to approved budget.
(p) make arrangements for the annual meetings of the Association, Science Conference and other social and scientific functions including fixing of venue, date and time.
(q) make general programme of the Conference and meetings.
(r) appoint Local Secretaries of each Section.
(s) establish and maintain relations with principal Scientific Societies, Associations, Councils and other organizations at home and abroad having objects In whole. or in part according to the objects of Association, by the exchange of publications and delegates.
(t) perform such other functions as are entrusted to it by the General Body or are assigned to it under these regulations.

5. The Council may make rules for the conduct of its business.
6. The Council may delegate any of its powers to the Committee that may be specific appointed for the purpose.
7. The President of the Association shall be the ex-officio President of the Council. He shall act as Chairman over all its meetings. In his absence the Vice-President in order of seniority shall act as Chairman, if neither the President nor the Vice-President Is available, those present shall elect Chairman from amongst themselves.
8. The General Secretary shall be the secretary of the Council and shall convene the meeting of the Council in consultation with the President.
9. The Council shall have power to expropriate such amounts from one budget head to another or a new head as may be considered necessary.
10. The council shall finalize programme of the ensuing annual meetings of the Association and the Science Conference,
11. The Council shall meet at least twice a year. It may meet from time to time during the course of the Annual meeting of the Association.
12. The Council shall fill up the vacancies, if any, in all committees including sectional committee. In case of posts fallen vacant in sectional committees the council shall fill up the vacancies from amongst the eminent scientists of the relevant sections.


1. Unless otherwise provided for all decisions at any meeting shall be determined by a majority of those present and voting and in the event of equality to votes the Chairman of such meeting shall be entitled to a casting vote.
2. Unless otherwise provided for the voting at any meeting shall be by the show of hands. The Chairman’s decision on the count of votes shall be final.
3. Where there is a provision of voting by ballot, the Chairman shall appoint three tellers for the counting of votes. The tellers shall sign the result of their counting which shall be declared by the Chairman before the conclusion of the meeting.
4. Each proposal at any meeting shall be made by a member and seconded by another member. I it is not seconded it shall be automatically dropped.
5. If a notice of any meeting is inadvertently sent to or if any such meeting is Inadvertently attended by or if any votes are east at any such meeting by some person or persons not duly qualified to attend such meeting, the proceedings of that meeting shall not be invalidated nor shall the accidental omission to give notice of such meeting to or the non-receipt of any notice by a member duly qualified to attend such meeting invalidate the proceedings at any such meeting. -
6. The decision of the Chairman of any meeting on all matters pertain thereto shall be final.
7. No quorum will be required In the case of an adjourned meeting or an emergency meeting.

Science Conference

1. To promote the objects of the Association a Science Conference shall be held annually/biannually as decided by the General Meeting and at such place and time as may be determined by the Council,
2. The Council shall finalise the programme of the ensuing Science Conference at least I month before the Conference.
3. The President of the Association shall be the General President of the Conference. He shall deliver the Presidential address on the day of the inauguration of the Conference.
4. The General Secretary shall be the Secretary of the Conference.
5. An eminent person in the field of science, education or Government shall be Invited to inaugurate the Conference.
6. The Council may frame rules for the conduct of the proceedings of the Conference.
7. There shall be Organizing Committee constituted by the host Institution for making arrangements of the ensuing Conference. it shall appoint Chairman, Treasurer and the Organising Secretary and may form such committee as may be considered necessary for the arrangements of the Conference.
8. The General Secretary of the Association shall be an a-officio member of the Organising Committee. -
9. The Organizing Committee may raise, on behalf of the Association, necessary funds for holding the conference and co-opt members for the Organizing, Committee. Such funds shall be the property of the Association.

1. The Science Conference shall be divided into the following Sections:

(i) Agronomy. Soil Science, Horticultures, Floriculture, Agriculture Extension etc.
(ii) Botany, Microbiology. Plant Breeding and Genetics, Biotechnology, Forestry and Plant Pathology etc.
(iii) Physics, Applied Physics, Mathematics, Statistics. Meteorology & Computer Science.
(iv) Chemistry, Applied Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry.
(v) Geology and Geography.
(vi) Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Medicine, Nutrition and Veterinary Sciences.
(vii) Engineering Sciences and Technology.
(viii) Social Sciences: Psychology. Anthropology. Education and Economics
(ix) Zoology, Fisheries, Entomology. Animal Husbandry, Poultry, wild Life and Biology.

2. Each Section shall have a Sectional Committee which shall consist of:-

(a) The President and the Secretary of the Section for two years.
(b) Two Immediate Past Presidents of the Sectional Committee.
(c) Local Secretaries of the Section where the Science Conference Is being held. They shall be nominated by the Council.
(d) Five members. The President, Secretary and five members of the Section shall be elected by ballot by the members of the Section in the manner prescribed in the bye-laws under Chapter XVII. They shall hold office for two years. Provided that no person shall be re-elected President for the same Section for two consecutive terms.

3. Each Sectional Committee at any time after the Inauguration of the Science Conference, but before the annual meeting or the Association shall hold a business meeting to make recommendations to the Council in respect of the matters arising out of the proceedings of the Section or suggestions made by its members for the advancement of Science.
4. The Sectional Committee may meet from time to time during the annual meeting to supervise the programme of the Section and to consider any proposal made by any member for the conduct of its proceedings.
5. The Sectional Committee makes proposals for special research or for a grant-In-aid for special research to the Research and Publication Committee of the Association.
6. The President of Section shall be the Chairman at the meetings of the Sections. In his absence one of the past Presidents of the Section (in order of seniority) shall act as Chairman. If no past President is available, those present shall elect the Chairman from amongst themselves.
7. One-third of member shall make the quorum at a meeting of the Sectional Committee.
S. If a vacancy occurs in the Sectional Committee, the council shall fill up such a vacancy.
9. The President shall be the Convener of the meetings.
10. The Secretary shall keep a record of the Proceedings.
11. The Local Secretary shall help the President in making arrangements for the conduct of the Proceedings.
12. The President shall have power to act on behalf of the Section on any matter of urgency which cannot be brought for consideration before the Sectional Com and report such action to the Sectional Committee at Its next meeting.

Sectional Meetings

1. Meetings of the various Sections of the Conference shall be held at such time and in such manner as may be determined by the Council and at such places as may be allotted by the Organizing Secretary.
2. The President of the Section may conduct the meetings such manner as he may deem fit, keeping in. view the number of papers to be presented.
3. If any Section includes wore than one subject, the papers in each of these subjects  may be grouped together and be presented together in one or more sessions. The President may nominate any senior member who is a specialist in the subject, preferably from amongst the past Presidents, to preside over those sessions.
4. If the number of papers in different subjects in a section is large, simultaneous meeting for different subjects may be held for the presentation of papers. The President may nominate any senior member who is a specialist in the subject, preferably from amongst the past Presidents, to preside over the meetings.
5. If papers are submitted which are of common interest to more than one Section, combined sessions of these Sections may be arranged by the Council which will also nominate the Chairman for the combined session. For the convenience of the Council a member presenting such a paper of common interest or the President concerned may suggest the Sections to be combined.
6. The President of the Section in consultation with other two members of the Section shall recommend names of members (one under 35 years of age and another above 35 years age) for best research presentation for B award.

1. The members of the Association who want to present papers in any Section of the Conference shall send abstract of the paper/papers (In triplicate) of 200 to 300 words to the General Secretary at least 2 months before the Conference to be followed by full papers (In triplicate) at least one month before the conference. No member shall submit more than two abstracts. Abstracts of such papers as are approved by the President of the Section for presentation shall be published and be available before the Conference. Abstracts of paper received late may be published in a supplementary list.
2. Not later than the first day of the Conference, the Secretary of the Section In consolation with the President shall prepare a schedule for the presentation of papers but no paper shall be included in this schedule a copy of which has not been received and approved by the President.
3. If any member is unable to present his/her paper personally he/she may do so through another member present.
4. If sufficient time is not available for the presentation of all the papers the President may make a selection of the papers to be presented and allot such time to each paper as he/she may deem fit and the remaining papers may just be Introduced and taken as read. Preference may be given to the presentation of the papers on the basis of merit.
5. As far as possible suitable time may be provided to the members present to discuss each paper after it has been presented. The discussions may be recorded.
6. The Association shall have preferential right for the publication of the papers presented to its Sections in any of Its Journals. Such papers may be published along with the recorded discussion.
7. The Sectional Committee may recommend to the Research and Publication Committee the publication of any paper of conspicuous merit, which is considered to be a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge, as a monograph of the Association.
8. Members shall bring their own copy of paper for presentation. For the display of diagrams or maps the author shall inform the President who will arrange for it through the Local Organising Secretary.


1. The funds of the Association shall consist of:

(a) grants from the Government.
(b) fees from the Membership of the Association.
(c) donations and endowments.

2. All amounts received shall be deposited in Bank approved by the Council.
3. The Bank account shall be operated jointly by the General. Secretary and the Treasurer.

4. The funds shall be administered by the General Secretary in accordance with the  provisions of the budget subject to such appropriations and alterations as may be approved by the President, or the Council.
5. The Treasurer or his representative shall acknowledge all sums of money paid to the Association.
6. All payments above Tic. 1000/- shall be made by cheque.
7. There shall be an imprest of Tk. 500/- with the Secretary in charge of the office.
8. The accounts of the Association shall be audited annually by a professional auditor appointed by the Council.
9. The auditor’s report shall be submitted along with the balance sheet of the funds of the Association to the Council for consideration and presentation to the general Body.
10. The Council may make rules for the administration of the funds of the Association including the signing of the cheques, payment of travelling and halting allowances etc. to the members of the Council and officers of the Association, distinguished lecturers invited and for contribution to the expenses of foreign delegates.
11. The Council may invest the funds standing to the credit of the Association In such suitable manner as it deems fit.

Research and Publication Committee

1. The Council In a meeting soon after assumption of office shall nominate Research and Publications Committee.
2. The Committee shall consist of eight members, one of them shall be appointed by the Council as Chairman and another as Secretary of Committee. Three members shall make the quorum at a meeting. The members shall hold office for two years.
3. The functions of the Committee shall be to undertake and supervise, subject to the direction of the Council. the publication of Journals, research monographs, books and such other brochures as It may consider desirable and suitable. No research monograph or book shall be published unless it is considered suitable by three referees who are specialists in that particular field.
4. The Committee shall meet at least once a year on the occasion of the annual meeting of the Association when it shall prepare Its programme of publication for the ensuing year.
5. The Committee shall examine the proposals of Sectional Committees for special research or grant-in-aid for research and forward them to the Council with their recommendations.
6. The Committee shall keep contact with all Universities. Educational institution and Research Organizations of the country and collect information and particulars about research work that has been completed during the year or Is under progress. The particulars thus obtained shall be published in the form of a brochure.
7. The Committee shall make its on rules of procedure and work subject to the approval of the Council.
8. The Council shall appoint the Editor of the Journal and an Editorial Board which shall include the Editor of the Journal and not more than seven other persons. The Board shall make all arrangements for the publication of the journal. The Editor shall be the Chairman of the Board.
9. The Editorial Board shall hold office for two years.

Local Chapter

1. Local Chapters of the Association with at least 50 members of the Association may be formed with the approval of the Council at the different University Centers outside Metropolitan Dhaka.
2. The members of the BAAS at these Centers shall automatically be the members of the Local Chapter.
3. Each Local Chapter shall have an Executive Committee consisting of the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, the Secretary. the Joint-Secretary and six members. They shall be elected by ballot by members of the Chapter in the manner as prescribed in the bye-laws under Chapter XVII. They will hold office for two years.
4. Each Chapter shall meet Its expenditure through its own funds and resources. The Council of the Association may make contribution towards its expenses.
5. Each Chapter shall make its own rules of procedure and work subject to the approval of the Council.

Scientific Societies

1. Scientific Societies with objects substantially similar to those of the Association may be affiliated to the Association. They shall carry on the work of the Association by arranging lectures and other scientific meetings.
2. Each affiliated scientific society, hereinafter called ‘the Society’ shall have an executive committee consisting of the President arid the. Secretary and such other officers and members as may be desirable under the circumstances.
3. The Society shall frame its own rules of membership, business and work which will be subject to the approval of the Council of the Association. The Society may raise its own funds to meet its expenditure. It may levy membership fee, one-fifth of which shall be paid to the Association as affiliation fee.

Amendment of Constitution

The Constitution of the Association may be changed or amended by a resolution of the Council approved by the General Body of the Association by majority of not less than two thirds of the members present and voting.
Provided that any proposal for the change of the Constitution shall be sent in writing to the General Secretary not less then t months before the annual meeting of the Association.


Regarding the Election of Office Bearers of the Association and Members of the Council and Members of Sectional Committees.

1. Counting of Votes for the election of the office bearers of the Association and members of the Council shall commence on such date or maybe fixed by the Council. Such date shall be termed as the date of election.
2. All Ordinary members who paid their subscription of the previous year of the election  year. Life members and Honorary members shall be eligible to take part in the election as voters and candidates. A complete list of all- members of the Association eligible to take part in the election will be made available by the general secretary for examination by members in the secretariat within fifteen days of the announcement of the date of election.
3. The General Secretary of the Association shall by public notification in at least two daily newspapers, announce the date of the election not less than seventy five days before the last date for receiving the ballot papers from the members of the Association. Scrutiny of nomination papers will be made within three days from the last date of receiving them.
4. Each nomination shall be submitted in such form as may be approved by the Council and shall be proposed by a member and encoded by another member and such form shall contain consent of the candidate in writing and shall reach the Returning Officer not later than fifty days before the date fixed for the election.
5. A candidate may withdraw his candidature by writing in his own hand to the Returning Officer not later than forty days before the date fixed for the election.
6. The voting shall be by postal ballot and the ballot papers containing the name and qualifications of the candidates duly. signed and marked by the Returning Officer shall be sent to the members and candidates to their addresses In Bangladesh at least thirty days before the date of the election.
7. The ballot paper shall contain a detachable part showing the names and other particulars of the voter and shall contain a space for the signature of the voter.
8. Every member of the Association shall have one .vote each vacancy and may, if he so chooses, hold one or more of his votes, But if he casts more votes than there are vacancies the votes pertaining to that particular vacancy shall stand as cancelled.
9. Votes once recorded cannot be altered. Rubbing and erasing for such purpose shall make the ballot paper invalid, A damaged or mutilated ball paper may be replaced by another ballot paper on written request from the voter and on return of the original ballot paper to the Returning Officer. to. allot paper shall be sent by voters to the Returning Officer In envelopes supplied to them and sealed with a distinctive seal by post. in person or through messenger, or the votes may be cast in presence of the Returning Officer in which case It may be handed over unsealed to him.
11. Votes recorded in a ballot paper shaft not be counted unless they are received by the Returning Officer or by a person authorized by him by 5. P. M. on the date immediately preceding the date of the election.
12. The Council shall appoint a Presiding Officer and a Returning Officer and not less than three scrutinizers to count the votes.
13. A candidate or his/her agent appointed by him in writing shall be permitted to be present at the time of counting of votes
14. It shall be the duty of the Presiding Officer to communicate in wilting to the President any irregularity of which he may have reasonable suspicion. As soon as the counting is over he shall send to the President the report containing the results of the election as well as such other matters as lie may deem fit.
15. The Council shall dispose of all points raised in the course of the election and the decision shall be final.
16. If any election two or more candidates secure the same number of votes for one vacancy the choice between such candidates shall be determined by the Presiding Officer by drawing a lot.
17. The results of the election shall be declared by the Returning Officer under orders of the President.
18. The election of office bearers and members of the Local Chapter Committee may be held in the same manner as provided in these bye-laws mutatis mutandis.
19. The election of the President. the Secretary and the members of each Sectional Committee may be held in the same manner as provided in these bye-laws mutatis mutandis.

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